Monday, December 1, 2014

Module 1 - Fury of the Feywild

For Fury of the Feywild I was tasked to create the modules Epic Dungeon; Malabog's Castle and the introduction map Portal to Sharandar. Due to the smaller team size, each of us are usually responsible for the completion of the zones from beginning to end. I was in charge of creating the aesthetics for the map which was then transferred to the exterior zone.  I am also responsible for layout (partial), all world building including terrain, prop placement, lighting/atmosphere, skydome/skyfile, and polish passes (including some texture polish). The base assets were created by other artists, and re-purposed by me throughout the creation of the map.

At the request of our Art Director, I completed an overhaul on the Realm of Malabog section of the adventure zone in one week.  This pass included: a drastic visual balance of color, lighting/atmosphere overhaul, a full terrain pass (paint and sculpt using Malabog's Castle terrain kit), and significant re-propping for better composition, player guidance and player spaces.

Malabog's Castle

Portal to Sharandar

Sharandar: Realm of Malabog

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