Monday, December 1, 2014

Module 4 - Tyranny of Dragons

I was responsible for creating this modules Epic Dungeon; Lair of Lostmauth.  I was responsible for level design/layout, all world building including terrain work, prop placement, lighting/atmosphere, skydome/skyfile, subsequent polish passes, and the liquid gold materials. Supporting assets created by another artist.

I wanted to clearly communicate that the lair was on the same island as this module's Skirmish. I used the design language and terrain/foliage/prop palette from the Skirmish map on the exterior portion of the dungeon, than created a contrasting interior section using a combination of pre-existing assets and the new Dragon Empire architecture kit.

For this dungeon, I pushed hard to integrate more game play elements into the environment. This was the first dungeon to incorporate alternating player paths, and the first zone to have threatening environmental hazards.  With the use of both environment and well placed critters we were able to really hone in on the player pacing. This is held as the best paced dungeon currently in Neverwinter.

Lair of Lostmauth

After completion of the dungeon, at the request of my Art Director, I completed a lighting overhaul on a pre-launch adventure zone; Icespire Peak. The lighting overhaul was complete in three days.

Before and after images. Old lighting on the top, new lighting on the bottom.

Icespire Peak (Lighting only)

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